So New Year's Eve I went out... as I stated I was going to do in my previous post and I had a real good time. I ended up wearing a black dress that was banded at the bottom and it was short, kind of like a mini...I ended up wearing some black pumps that have cutouts around the top of the foot(near the toe) and are studded with Sushi Flower eye shadow and Ruby Woo lipstick which is red...I looked decent. The club was extra packed (as I expected) so at first I was not feeling it...there were people everywhere, I could not get my coat checked because the line was extra long and I hate standing in line and I just felt cramped so I found me a spot at the bar and there I stayed. I had a couple of drinks which did not help because I was not feeling good so by like 12:30 I was ready to go...but then I saw my bartender hugging this blonde so I observed her and figured out that it was his girlfriend, she made eye contact and smiled I returned the smile and the rest is history. We partied so hard after that...we had some shots and some more drinks so by the time I left the club I was a good way, outside I exchanged numbers with a couple of males and then we proceeded to IHOP. All in all the new year was cool...I had fun and I made a new friend so I am content.
Now on to the things that I saw people wearing on this glorious occasion...I thought that if you did not dress up on any other night of the year you were supposed to dress up on New Year's Eve, I mean it's only one night. There were females in the club with leggings and cheap little Rave (look up disposable clothing) dresses and things it was just awful...then there were the people who decided to wear jeans which I just thought was totally inappropriate because if you wanted to wear jeans you could have stayed at home. Okay so there were also people who decided to wear fur that night which is cool but you're going to walk around the club all night with your full length faux fur on? Please...even if it was real that would still be tacky, full length furs look better on older women anyways, I think I was just annoyed to be honest.
Since the new year has begun I have not really done anything...I was hungover on Thursday so Bean (my little sister) and I went to Potomac Mills to browse Nordstrom Rack which had absolutely nothing...all I found was a little hoodie, a tee shirt, and a necklace which cost me $18 in total. Potomac Mills is just really shot to hell though...there was so many people there and a majority of them were ages 15-21 and they were hanging out, not shopping, not looking, but standing in little pods taking up space, I was extremely annoyed. At the GAP outlet I found a cute little navy boat neck dress for $14.99 and Bean got two cardigans (cream and navy) for $13.99 a piece and they have little rhinestone covered buttons...extremely cute for the little lady. Which reminds me...the other day I went to Target in Greenbelt in an attempt to find something to wear for the night and I found two boyfriend cardigans one gray and one brown for $6.24 a piece which was practically a steal; they are perfect! Cardigans are ideal for everyone because they go with pretty much anything, they are cheap, they add warmth without the bulk, and they do not dictate your outfit... cardigans are perfect for rainy days and can be worn with any fabric from chiffon to wool all the while keeping you stylish and quaint. Enough with my spiel on cardigans, we also went to PG Plaza (The Mall at Prince George's) and I found a little knit harem pant at Ashley Stewart which I normally don't shop at but I knew that they would have those pants because they carry the trendier styles for plus size woman, the quality is just garbage...but at $15.00 I will not complain. We found a cute LBD (little black dress)for $21.00 and a cute full black skirt with stitched down pleats for $28.00 both at GAP...and I found a nice navy deep V-neck Pocket tee that is tissue weight for $6.97, you can't beat that with a stick. Amazingly after finding these greats finds I still could not find anything to wear to go out last night...:( it seems as though since the holidays are over there isn't anything left in the stores and the things that are left are...*AHEM* leftovers and everyone knows I HATE leftovers. So since I cannot find the things that I want to wear I will make them and that way I will be the only one with them and I don't have to worry about not finding my size and so on...I'm off to enjoy the rest of this Saturday.
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