They live on the ground, should not be used to inflict bodily harm on another person, can smell if not taken care of, have a tendency to be neglected by their owner,can hurt you if you don't respect them, and can be attractive if they have not been mistreated. I'm speaking of your feet and I have a love hate relationship with mine, they are big (I assume that is due to my height) but not bad looking seeing as though I take care of them. My issue is basically the size...I wear a size 12 and an 11 on a good day, my feet are wide so shoes that get narrow toward the toe are my worst enemy but for some reason I love them. It is so hard to find shoes my size that when I do find them I usually buy all of them because I know it might take a search party to find me some when I am ready to buy more. I always wondered why don't more company's make size 12's and when do they only make like four and then I have to run all over east hell looking for one of the four 12's. This is blasphemy it seems like the companies assume that the people with big feet do not want to have the latest shoes at all...I know some higher end companies make a size 12 but they usually don't make one in every shoe and who has 500 dollars to spend on three and four pairs of shoes? Not I said Zulema. Even though I do splurge I can't splurge every single time I buy a new pair of shoes. Maybe Steve Madden will offer 10 size 12's as opposed to 4, if that happens then we will be making progress. If anyone who is anyone is reading this I beg of you CREATE MORE SIZE 12'S!!!!!!!!!!
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